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      The Finger Lakes area is New York’s largest wine producing region. Over 100 wineries and vineyards are centered around Seneca, Cayuga, Canandaigua, Keuka, Conesus and Hemlock lakes. Because of the lakes’ great depth, they provide a lake effect to the lush vineyards that flank their shores. Retaining residual summer warmth in the winter, and winter’s cold in the spring, the grapes are protected from disastrous spring frost during shoot growth, and early frost before the harvest. Finger Lakes Land and lots for sale real estate includes: Skaneateles Lake, Owasco Lake, Cayuga Lake, Seneca Lake, Keuka Lake, Canandaigua Lake, Otisco Lake, Honeoye Lake, Hemlock Lake, Conesus Lake, Canadice Lake, Cazanovia Lake, Oneida Lake, Farms For Sale, Land and Lots For Sale.

      The Finger Lakes region contains evidence of pre-Iroquois habitation, such as The Bluff Point Stoneworks, but little is known about who may have constructed these enigmatic works.

      The Finger Lakes region is a central part of the Iroquois homeland. The Iroquois tribes include the Seneca and Cayuga tribes, for which the two largest Finger Lakes are named. The Tuscarora tribe lived in the Finger Lakes region as well, from ca. 1720. The Onondaga and Oneida tribes lived at the eastern edge of the region, closer to their namesake lakes, Lake Oneida and Onondaga Lake. The easternmost Iroquois tribe were the Mohawk. During colonial times, many other tribes moved to the Finger Lakes region, seeking the protection of the Iroquois. For example, in 1753 remnants of several Virginia Siouan tribes, collectively called the Tutelo-Saponi, moved to the town of Coreorgonel at the south end of Cayuga Lake near present-day Ithaca, until 1779 when their village was destroyed. Major Iroquois towns in the Finger Lakes region included the Seneca town of Gen-nis-he-yo (present-day Geneseo), Kanadaseaga (Seneca Castle, near present-day Geneva), Goiogouen (Cayuga Castle, east of Cayuga Lake), Chonodote (Cayuga town, present-day Aurora), and Catherine’s Town (near present-day Watkins Glen).

      As one of the most powerful Indian nations during colonial times, the Iroquois were able to prevent European colonization of the Finger Lakes region for nearly two centuries after first contact. By the late 18th century Iroquois power had weakened, relative to the European-Americans, and internal strife eroded the political unity of the Iroquois Confederacy. During the American Revolutionary War some of the Iroquois sided with the British and some with the Americans, resulting in civil war among the Iroquois. In the late 1770s, British-allied Iroquois attacked various American frontier settlements, prompting counter-attacks, culminating in the Sullivan Expedition of 1779, which destroyed most of the Iroquois towns and effectively broke Iroquois power.

      After the Revolutionary War, the Iroquois and other Indians of the region were assigned reservations. Most of their land, including the Finger Lakes region, was opened up to purchase and settlement.

      Roughly the western half of the Finger Lakes region comprised the Phelps and Gorham Purchase of 1790. The region was rapidly settled at the turn of the nineteenth century, largely by a westward migration from New England, but to a lesser degree by northward influx from Pennsylvania. The regional architecture reflects these area traditions of the Federal and Greek Revival periods.

      Finger Lakes land and lots, Skaneateles Lake waterfront land and lots, as well as Owasco Lake land and lots can be view on this website. Just choose the area you are interested in and click search.

      Finger Lakes land and lots for sale include Cayuga Lake land and lots, Seneca Lake land and lots, Keuka Lake land and Lots, Canandaigua Lake land and lots, Otisco Lake land and lots, and Cazenovia Lake land and lots.

      Land and Lots located in the Finger Lakes Region of Central and Western New York can be viewed on our Virtual Tour.

      Finger Lakes land and lots, Skaneateles Lake waterfront land and lots, as well as Owasco Lake land and lots can be view on this website. Just choose the area you are interested in and click search.

      Finger Lakes land and lots for sale include Cayuga Lake land and lots, Seneca Lake land and lots, Keuka Lake land and Lots, Canandaigua Lake land and lots, Otisco Lake land and lots, and Cazenovia Lake land and lots.

      Land and Lots located in the Finger Lakes Region of Central and Western New York can be viewed on our Virtual Tour.

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